Immuno-diagnostics > HBV

Anti-HBsAg determination can be used to (a) monitor the prognosis of patients recovering from the hepatitis B viral infection, (b) indicate the patient that have prior immunological exposure to Hepatitis B surface antigen and (c) study the epidemiological factors which are associated with transmission of HBsAg. Several studies have shown that the appearance of antibody against Hepatitis B surface antigen is indicative of the convalescent state and recovery from the acute phase of the disease.

Principle of the assay:

The test is an enzyme-immunoassay based on a 'sandwich' principle.

Polystyrene microtiter strip wells have been coated with hepatitis B surface antigen, which constitutes the solid-phase antigen. The test sample is incubated in such a well; anti-HBs, if present in the sample, will bind to the solid-phase antigen. In the mean time HBsAg, which has been labeled with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP), is added. With a positive reaction, solid-phase antigen/anti-HBs/HBsAg-HRP complex has been formed. Incubation with enzyme, hydroperoxide and TMB produce a blue color in the microwell, which turns yellow when the reaction is stopped with sulfuric acid. If the sample contains no anti-HBs, then the labeled antigen can not be bound specifically and only a low background color develops.

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