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QCM technology

This application is for the detection of interaction between molecules. Piezoelectric Quartz crystal is used in this application as signal conversion component and the linear relationship between mass variation and crystal oscillation frequency for the analyte fixed to biosensor molecule are used for the inspection and testing.
QCM technology

This is a commercial product for biosensor. Under liquid state, it does not need other labeled material such as enzyme and radioactivity to obtain the dynamics of interaction between molecules. It has the advantages of high sensitivity, fast response, and instant inspection. All kinds of inspection such as antibody/antigen, enzyme / substrate, hormone / receptor, and nucleic acid / nucleic acid that based on biotic affinity reactions can be measured by fixing different sensor molecule on the piezoelectric crystal gold electrode for the different analyte. In addition, the characteristics of fast response and high sensitivity of the piezoelectric sensor also can be used in the measurement of molecule affinity such as dynamic parametric analysis of affinity equilibrium constant, association constant, and dissociation constant, etc and is currently the one of the most important tools in the research of biotechnology.

The system of the product can be applied to study the interactions between biomolecules, such as:

2. DNA, DNA binding protein, Transcription Factor
3. Cell Biology
4.Protein-protein, Protein-ligand interaction
5. Biological Recognition
6. Product Characterization

Immobilization of biomolecules

The immobilization of biomolecules on the sensor chip surface of the technology can be achieved by a simple chemical method through the FIA system 。 Basically, theaminegroup 、 hydrophobicpatch 、 aldehyde 、 thio 、 or biotinlated portion of the biomoleculs can chemically or physically react with the surface of the sensor chip by choosing a appropriate crosslinker reagent。Also, the success of this immobilization is depend on the physical character of the biomolecule。

Our research team will provide two sensor chip surfaces for this immobilization purpose:

1.sensor chip surface with amine-end functional group
2.sensor chip surface with gold

Molecular architecture of sensor chip

Self-assembled Monolayer Technique (SAM)
hydrophilic polymer - polyethylene imine (PEI)

Surface modification of sensor chip

Reaction of Biomolecules

Affinity interaction between receptor and ligand

Interaction between antibody and antigen

Interaction between nucleic acids or nucleic acid and protein

Except the basic frequency vs. time measurement; utilizing this related software, user can easily carry out the following experiments and analyze the experimental data.

Concentration Measurement

Kinetic Measurement

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